Oborodhbashini by Begum rokeya / অবরোধবাসিনী _ বেগম রোকেয়া

Oborodhbashini is a famous novel of Begum rokeya.Begum Rokeya was a leading feminist writer and social worker in undivided Bengal during the early 20th century. She is most famous for her efforts on behalf of gender equality and other social issues. She established the first school aimed primarily at Muslim girls, which still exists today. She was a notable Muslim feminist; Begum Rokeya also wrote short stories and novels. Her important works are Sultana's Dream and Padmarag.Download Now Begum rokeya Books and Read Oborodhbashini by Begum rokeya in PDF Format. 
Book Information :
 Book Name: Oborodhbashini
 Book Category : Novel
 Book Writer: Begum rokeya
 Book Format: Portable Document Format (PDF File)
 Book Language: Bengali

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